Avila Counseling

Lori Wiggenhorn, MA, LP

Licensed Psychologist

Specialized Techniques

Hakomi and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Hakomi and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy are body-oriented talk therapies that require extensive training as a therapist. I am Trained in the Hakomi Method and in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma and Attachment Repair. Body based therapy is a "bottom up" therapy. What that means is you look for information from the body first, before looking at thought processes. The goal is to listen to the body and mind together for a more holistic experience. At the beginning of therapy, you may learn how to develop and deepen skills like grounding and centering that help build a relationship with the body that can be used in daily life. Resourcing in sensation is ideal for clients who have a mindfulness based practice already, like meditation, or yoga. You are welcome at any level of mindfulness and we will build your readiness for a mind-body connection together. When a client has a firmer sense of presence, then therapy begins to focus on utilizing mindfulness as a tool toward heal wounds.

Hakomi and Sensorimotor therapy methods are great for gaining more understanding and inner peace between parts of oneself. They are helpful towards healing "core" developmental wounds in the self. For example, if someone feels unlovable this belief might be experienced as a tightening in the heart. A client can learn to be more present and witness the tension in the chest from a curious place. Usually by being present and accepting the heart pain softens or shifts somehow. Softness in the heart can lead to more compassion and positive beliefs around loving yourself.

Sensorimotor psychotherapy has specialized techniques to help heal the bodies reaction to trauma.  An important goal when working on trauma wounds in therapy is to make it a manageable experience so the body can complete what actions it wants to do to release trauma from the central nervous system. It is important to work with the central nervous system to help the symptoms of PTSD stabilize, or your internalized experience of trauma will continually get triggered.

When doing body based healing there is a natural unfolding that takes place as you learns to trust and understand what the body is staying. This trust is developed over time and I will guide you in this process. Hakomi and Sensorimotor therapy are done at your own pace, and I will continually check in with you to help this experience be effective and meaningful.

For more information about these two therapy methods see the links below:



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to help heal from trauma and developmental wounds.  It is most effective if a client has a sense of a mind-body connection.  If mind-body awareness is a struggle, we will build a “readiness” to work with this powerful therapy method using a combination of EMDR and Sensorimotor resourcing techniques. A combination of these methods may be ideal if you has tried EMDR in the past and it didn’t meet your goals. 

See link below for more information:


Anchored Relational Therapy
Anchored Relational Therapy (formal known as AIR Network) is a therapy method that helps if you have dissociative abilities. An adult awareness is developed between aspects of the self using an understanding of what happens to the brain during traumatic experiences. Understand the physiology of the brain combined with the developed skill of mindful noticing helps you form a sense of an inner knowing. When an interactive adult awareness is present and actively used during daily life, you can then heal from significant events using a combination of Sensorimotor and EMDR techniques if interested.  

See link below for more information:


Alpha Stim Medical Device

Alpha Stim is a medical device developed by Electromedical Products International as an alternative or adjunct to medication. Alpha Stim is FDA approved for anxiety, depression and insomnia. It is also helpful reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Together we can help determine if this device may be effective option for you. I will fill out the necessary paperwork to approve your device and then refer to you a representative from whom you will pursue the product.

See link below for more information:


Techniques Used in Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Informed Therapist

Supportive Compassion Based Therapy
Breathwork and Mindful Meditation
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 

Solution Focused Therapy
Alpha Stim Medical Device--Certified
I am HEAS (Health At Any Size) therapist

Advanced Training in:

DBT Individual Therapy Mode
DBT Skills Training for Helping Professional
--modified to your individual needs

Trained in the Hakomi Method

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level 1: Trained in the Treatment of Trauma
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level 2: Emotional Process, Meaning Making and Attachment Repair

EMDR: Trained in Level 1 & 2--Certified

Anchored Relational Therapy--(formal named AIR Network)--Certified

Telemental Health Certified Badge by Person Centered Tech