Lori Wiggenhorn, MA, LP
Licensed Psychologist
What's in a name?
Avila is a beautiful walled city in Spain I went to while on my honeymoon. My husband and I walked around the walled city curious about its structure. We got lost and tried to find a way inside. We found an old door only to discover it was locked. We found yet another door only to discover it too was locked. Finally, we came upon an entrance and walked through the gate into a beautiful old European city. We were amazed at what we discovered on the inside.
I think therapy can be like this. You might want to know who you are on the inside but struggle to get through the walls you have built up over time. Yet at some point in life a door can be discovered and if you choose to go inside, a growing sense of self-acceptance can be explored. Sometimes, we need help in this discovery of self and a therapist can be your guide.
About Avila Counseling